Welcome to ICPOP------------------- Nation's Destination

First of all i want to personally thank u for ur visit.
For all those people who r new here let me give u a brief Summery>>>>> who we r?>>> what we r doing?

If u ask me personally what is ICPOP ? my answer without any hesitation will be its U & Me.... Its US

As u can see this Blog is not Against any1. like PPP, PML(n,q),MQM(H,M).
My all brothers and sisters form Pakistan and all over the world who want 2 bring positive Change in Pakistan (for a developed and financially solid Pakistan).
We (ICPOP) do not oppose any specific party But we OPPOSE this SYSTEM which is not ready 2 accept poor people. Our Xtreme Goal is to Establish a society where no1 has to dream about basic necessities (RIGHTS, DUTIES, OPPORTUNITIES, JUSTICE). Because they r for every.
Feel Free 2 Say Write Anything for Positive Dissection.
Ur single opinion can Bring life for those who r dieing everyday for nothing.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Future of Pakistan

the Anti Pakistan powers are thinking about these things lets be united and spread this message of equality to save our mother land



They think they Can Do it.......--------,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,................ Its our Duty to stop it and show the world the truth.. that we r united for the cause of our mother land.

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